1. Sam probably Went to sleep at about (6am, 10am, 2pm, 4pm, 8pm)
I think it was probably 8pm
2. Explain how you got your answer to question 1.
Because that is a usual time everybody goes to sleep
3. Including Sam, there were six people in the family. TRUE/FALSE/MAYBE
Maybe because it said parents brothers and sisters
4. Sam's sister was probably about (6, 9, 12, 15, 18) years old.
She is 18
5. Support your answer to question 4 with proof from the story.
It said that she was drving to town to by fish and chips
6. This story probably took place in the month of
7. Why do you think the grass on the top of the rainbow was called UNUSUAL
grass? Grass doesn’t grow on rainbows.
8. Give another word to take the place of:
(a) slumber Sleep
(b) beckoned light
(c) base bottom
(d) glistening shining
(Do not use a dictionary)
9. Sam was taken by the messenger to Hugo (facing downwards, facing upwards, facing sideways). Upwards
10. Who was the firstborn child in the family, Sam's sister, one of Sam's brothers or Sam himself? Sams sister
11. Sam's bedroom Was painted blue. YES/ NO/PERHAPS Perhaps because it didn’t tell us about his bedroom.