Friday, 2 August 2013

The hare and the tortoise

Once upon a time there was a land far away from here it was a hot scorching day and there lived a Hare and he was superb at showing off he was also great at winning at races because of his long springy legs and his name was speedy. There also lived a tortoise, badger, crow, fox and rat. They all loved playing together except the tortoise and fox, fox loved to hide and he thinks that he knows everything and tortoise well... He just sits under the tree munching on  bits of grass well dozing off to sleep so he really doesn’t do anything.

One day the hare was jumping up and down in the field of carrots when he saw the tortoise. He yelled out “Hey cabbage head what are you, lazy” When all of a sudden a orange head poked out of the hedge - rows “Ohh hello fox have I told you I can beat everyone in a race” shouted speedy “yes 1 milion times” said fox. “You do know he is eating grass and dozing off because he is going to hibernate soon” says fox “wow he must be the laziest person ever” Yells speedy. “Fine then he challenges you to a race” said fox The tortoise didn’t even stand up for himself or say no he just sat there dozing off to sleep well munching juicy bits of grass speedy said “OK but be warned I will win” “OK” said fox we will do it  from the meadow all the way to the top of the mountain tomorrow. “Fine”said speedy and then he ran off.

The next day was the big race everybody came to watch. “READY GET SET GO” yelled badger speedy gave tortoise a head start then after a few minutes ran into the apple forest. When he looked behind him there was no sign of the tortoise so he munched down a long piece of juicy grass and lay down and drifted off to sleep under the apple tree. 2 hours later... Speedy wok up and sprinted across the finish line. As told by the hare.

listen to ‘The hare and the tortoise by khaia’ on Audioboo

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