Monday, 10 February 2014

1st chapter of the bridge

Once in a mystical land there live a little girl with two older sisters who made her be there cleaner. I know this may sound like cinderella but its not trust me, shall we go on. Well  the little girls name was ella. She was A happy little girl until her sisters came into her life and ruined it.

One day she ran away from home to sandy her best friend. She was puffed out that she couldn’t talk. While she was puffed out sandy was asking her a lot of questions. Ella didn’t respond. Then for a few minutes she talked. Then asked her if she would tell her sisters that she was there Sandy swore to nott and also said “ Cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye Heehee” They both laughed and left the house in search of a new family for Ella.

While walking they came across lots of beautiful houses with nice families but she couldn’t fit in with the other kids. So they went to more houses but bad luck. They then visited some kids from sandys school and the first won said no second was no but third it was a yes and she lived happily ever after. Hold on There's more did you think it was over that fast. One day her and her new sister went on a walk and came across a bridge so they walked across it because who doesn't like walks on a bridge. There mum warned them to stay out of trouble and not to talk to  strangers or to go on the bridge. They didn’t hear the last one and said “ Bye” they didn’t know this but the bridge wasnt ordanierry if only they listened. … TO BE CONTIUED

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