My mum and my sister Cree and I went on a train ride all the way into Auckland City just to hunt for the eggs and by the end of it my feet was hurting. We had so much fun and not only did we find all the eggs I visited places I have never been to before. Like the Gus Fisher Gallery on Shortland St and the Louis Vuitton store on Queen St.
The place with most of the eggs is at the viaduct events center (oops spoiler alert). When you start looking for the eggs people will hand you a map showing you where the eggs are. The first place we looked was at the museum and there were only four eggs. My favorite would have been #egg12 which is gondwanna by Collin Mathuira - Jeffree. It was a dinosaur egg with a dinosaur head poking out. This egg was found at the Museum. The funniest egg would have to be egg with the ladder coming out of it.